
DSC01015  Outside the forbidden city in the heart of winter, with an icy moat DSC01029  Guard house - forbidden city DSC01076  Outside the forbidden city DSC01092  Marching under the cold DSC01147  Guarding chairman Mao's effigy DSC01161  Sunset in front of the forbidden city
DSC01180  WangFu Jing's evening animations DSC01185  Snakes, chicken, beef, lamb, cockroach BBQ, just ask for it! DSC01213  Guarding TienAnMen under the freezing wind DSC01221  Screening all by passers... DSC01225  Stereotypes... DSC01260  Marching as one at the entry of the forbidden city
DSC01265  You'll make 2 days!! DSC01277  Emotive Grand'Pa from the countryside, finding his way in the forbidden city DSC01283  Garding the Palace DSC01352  In the forbidden city DSC01359  Watching the Emperor's throne DSC01370  Empress's throne
DSC01379  In the courtyard, withstanding the freezing wind DSC01384  Gard - forbidden city DSC01392  Imperial Guardians DSC01413  Pavilion, forbidden city DSC01446  Wall - seal Forbidden city DSC01479  Eternal occupier
DSC01485  Passing on history DSC01488  Wall of the 9 dragons - forbidden city DSC01489  Wall of the 9 dragons - forbidden city DSC01526  Forbidden city inner court DSC01529  Forbidden city inner court under sunset DSC01535  The Imperial Opera
DSC01544  Sunset in the palace DSC01547  Servant's view of the Imperial opera DSC01567  Imperial Gardens - forbidden city DSC01618  The forbidden city from the top of JingShan Park DSC01628  Life in Beijing's new Hutongs DSC01630  Life in Beijing's new Hutongs
DSC01637  Life in Beijing's new Hutongs DSC01641  Life in Beijing's new Hutongs DSC01658  Interesting food stores DSC01659  Interesting food stores DSC01690  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01693  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall
DSC01711  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01750  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01753  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01755  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01783  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01790  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall
DSC01797  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01840  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01878  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01897  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01928  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall DSC01930  Huang Hua Cheng - Great Wall
DSC01961  BeiHai Park at night DSC01965  BeiHai Park at night DSC01977  BeiHai Park at night DSC01984  Under the moon DSC01992  BeiHai Park at night DSC02018  Heavenly temple
DSC02027  Heavenly temple DSC02051  Heavenly temple DSC02053  Walking in the Hutongs, around the temple of heaven DSC02057  In discussion DSC02075  From another era! DSC02089  Minaret of Beijing's oldest Mosque
DSC02092  Beijing's Chinese - style Mosque DSC02099  Beijing's Chinese - style Mosque DSC02104  Beijing's Chinese - style Mosque DSC02106  Beijing's Chinese - style Mosque DSC02111  Beijing's Chinese - style Mosque DSC02116  Beijing's Chinese - style Mosque
DSC02150  Morning in DaSi JiuTiao DSC02151  Guarding the lama temple DSC02154  Budddha in the lama temple DSC02155  Praying - Lama Temple DSC02169  Time-Frozen DSC02156  Lama Temple
DSC02165  Lama Temple DSC02176  Summer Palace in winter DSC02180  Summer Palace in winter DSC02186  Summer Palace in winter DSC02188  Summer Palace in winter DSC02211  Summer Palace in winter
DSC02214  Summer Palace in winter DSC02227  Paintings on the longest gallery in the world DSC02230  Paintings on the longest gallery in the world DSC02235  The Gallery with 14000 paintings DSC02238  The Gallery with 14000 paintings DSC02239  Paintings on the longest gallery in the world
DSC02242  Summer Palace in winter DSC02245  Summer Palace in winter DSC02250  Summer Palace in winter DSC02266  Summer Palace in winter DSC02269  Summer Palace in winter DSC02270  Summer Palace in winter
DSC02274  Summer Palace in winter DSC02280  Summer Palace in winter DSC02285  Summer Palace in winter DSC02289  Summer Palace in winter DSC02293  Summer Palace in winter DSC02295  Summer Palace in winter