Burkina Faso

FH000004 FH000027 - Copy FH000026 - Copy FH000025 - Copy FH000005 FH000003  One of the classroom of the highschool. The absence of electricity made it hard for anyone to do much after 5pm...
FH000015 FH000016 FH000008  Pause by the tree, the only source of shade and "cool" in the village FH000034 FH000005mod IMG 2922
IMG 2963 IMG 3013 IMG 3127 FH000033 FH000028  Riding the bike DSC04807
DSC05172 DSC04830 DSC05108 DSC05181 DSC05188 DSC05206
DSC05292 DSC04785 DSC04792 FH000005 - Copy DSC04800 DSC04801
DSC04808 DSC04834 DSC04841 DSC04842 DSC04848 DSC04881
DSC04900 DSC04904 DSC04991 DSC04997 DSC05019 DSC05024
DSC05105 DSC05161 FH000014 FH000017 FH000025  Last day at the village, emotional fairwells! P6110036
P6190161 FH000012 FH000024 FH000013 - Copy FH000026 (1) - Copy IMG 2985
FH000034 (2) - Copy FH000035 - Copy FH000039 - Copy FH000008 - Copy FH000013  "La mare aux Hippos" FH000009  Riding the roads in the lush south, near the border with "cote d'ivoire"
FH000010  Bobo-Dioulasso FH000018  Kuria Market IMG 3137 FH000018 - Copy FH000024 (1) - Copy FH000007  Amazing Banfora waterfalls
P6240223  The Mosque of Bobo Dioulasso FH000006  Road trip to Banfora